An Anthem: The Christian’s Immortality

As a Christian, as those in union with Jesus Christ, in union with the One who alone dwells in unapproachable Light and Immortality, we live an indestructible life; because our life is indestructible. Our energy is resurrection power of the immortal type; the type that rises from the dead, ascends, and comes again and again, and finally again. Nothing can stop us; death is no match for us; because Life came, assumed death, looked at it, mocked it to its face, and left it in the abyss of nothingness. The Christian is always on the verge of breaking into the eternal reality, never to suffer again. The Christian is unstoppable, because the Christ is first in us that we might be in Him. Let’s keep steaming ahead because one day very soon the heavens will be rolled back like a scroll, and the glory of the Almighty God in Jesus Christ will finally break through, once and for all, in consummate and consuming form. Don’t lose heart, Christian; Jesus is King. Maranatha

Athanasian Reformed