For What Shall We Pray?

“For What Shall We Pray?” is a weekly post inviting individuals, groups, and congregations to lift up our world in prayer. This resource is prepared by a variety of leaders in the ELCA and includes prayer prompts, upcoming events and observances, and prayer suggestions from existing denominational worship materials. You are encouraged to use these resources as a starting point, and to adapt and add other concerns from your local context. More information about this resource can be found here.


Prayer prompts:

For peace in our world…
For all victims of war in Israel and Palestine, and for all victims of war and conflict around the world…
For hospitals and other essential resources in Gaza…
For victims of the terrorist shooting in Brussels, Belgium…
For severe drought and wildfires in Brazil…
For all victims of hate crimes across the nation and world, especially in Plainfield, IL…
For renewed concern for human rights and the common good, especially among legislators and world leaders…
For de-escalation of political tensions in our nation and around the world…

Events and observances:

Monthly Observances in October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Clergy Appreciation Month, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, LGBTQ History Month

Commemoration of Luke, Evangelist (Oct 18)
Durga Puja begins (Hindu festival, Oct 20)
James of Jerusalem, martyr, died around 62 (Oct 23)
United Nations Day (Oct 24)
Dussehra (Hindu festival, Oct 24)

Prayers from ELCA resources:

A prayer for peace among the nations (ELW p. 76)
Gracious God, grant peace among nations. Cleanse from our own hearts the seeds of strive: greed and envy, harsh misunderstandings and ill will, fear and desire for revenge. Make us quick to welcome ventures in cooperation among the peoples of the world, so that there may be woven the fabric of a common good too strong to be torn by the evil hands of war. In the time of opportunity, make us be diligent; and in the time of peril, let not our courage fail; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer for those oppressed because of religious identity (ACS p. 51)
God of mercy and new life, you love all people, whom you have made in your image. Empower your faithful people to stand in solidarity with all those oppressed because of religious identity. Deepen respect, community, and love among all those who seek justice and peace. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

A prayer for refugees, migrants, immigrants (ACS p. 51)
Holy God, as you have accompanied your people through times of captivity, wilderness, and exile, shelter and sustain all those who flee persecution, oppression, warfare, violence, hunger, and poverty. Open our hearts and homes, our gates and doors, so that they find safety, peace, and welcome–a place to live in freedom and without fear; through Jesus Christ, our refuge and our hope. Amen.

ELW = Evangelical Lutheran Worship
ACS = All Creation Sings: Evangelical Lutheran Worship Supplement

Additional topical prayers are found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (pp. 72–87) and All Creation Sings (pp. 46–55), as well as in other resources provided in print and online at

Crafted intercessions for every Sunday and festival are provided in the Sundays and Seasons worship planning guide published in-print and online by Augsburg Fortress. Further assistance for composing prayers of intercession can be found here: Resources for Crafting Prayers of Intercession

Prayer Ventures, a daily prayer resource, is a guide to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.


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