On Migrating the Blog?

I am contemplating making the jump to a different host for my online writing. WordPress, my current host, has become more focused on commercial websites than on blogging these days. My concern is that WordPress may discontinue support for blogging all together someday, and I’ll be out to lunch. Substack seems to offer the best alternative. It’s services are free (here I pay a minimal amount for ad free posting), and it offers a built in network and community. It also operates off of a newsletter premise, so when you subscribe you receive my post directly as newsletter recipients (I understand my subscribers here at WP get the same). As I look at Substack it is much more streamlined than WordPress is these days. And it is set up in a way that makes posting easier, and more user friendly in certain ways. If I do make this move I will of course always keep this site here; I have too much work embedded here to lose. But I’m hopeful that if I do make this move that you, my subscribers and readers, will follow me over there. Selah

Athanasian Reformed