My ThD Degree Was Based on an Elaborate Scam: Let Me Explain

The Lord seemed to be pressing me last night to dig even deeper. I had already given it my best shot to punch holes through the credibility and viability of the institution I was getting, or had gotten the ThD from (I had thought). It’s an absolute quagmire, and news worthy. In fact, it is in the news in Maryland. I was working with Dr. Fred Macharia and Dr. Enrique Ramos, particularly through a connection Fred had made with the University of America Curacao. It was through this University (and a subsidiary school called Salt Lake Bible College) that I was awarded with the ThD through; upon Fred’s, Enrique’s, and the theological faculty at UA’s recommendation. The University of America Curacao, and its American counterparts, supposedly had full accreditation provided by the Curacao Transnational Accreditation Council. CTAC, supposedly was sanctioned by the Ministry of Education in Curacao, to be a transnational regional accreditor for the country. But what I found out has the makings for a mini-series, if not a full-blown movie.

Last night, as I noted, the Lord gave me the motivation and energy to press even further into the rabbit-hole. To make a long story shorter: I found that CTAC was really listed as a company in Florida that has been inactive since 2021. And that the company was founded by a supposed Raymond Brunk; who I would imagine is really an alias for the mastermind behind all of this, the supposed President of the University of America, and President, at the same time, of CTAC, among other companies now defunct. He is currently, along with the chancellor of UA and provost of UA, who is also the President and chancellor of Salt Lake Bible College (which turns out is the founding school of the UA), the President of a new company, in Florida, called: Florida Metropolitan University Corporation. This fraudster’s name is Gamaliel Onyemaobi-Prince. What sealed the deal for me, and amplified it even more, was when I googled Prince’s name directly; he was just charged by the Attorney General’s Office of Maryland on multiple counts of fraud. He claimed to be the principal of a high school in Maryland, which he called: Metropolitan Washington High School. During COVID he charged the state for COVID money regarding expenditures he supposedly made for the 600 students at his high school. As his application for close to $ 250K was being processed, they noticed serious discrepancies; at which point it was denied and referred to the Attorney General’s Office. He was charged by the AG in October 2023 with multiple counts of fraud relative to the COVID money (all of this is public record; I will leave all the receipts linked at the end of this post).

I am unsure how long Prince has been part of the University of America, but based on the paper trail I have followed, at least since 2021. I am also unclear on whether or not the other people involved with the schools are in on it, or just duped very badly by Prince. It is a very elaborate scheme that has taken years to cultivate and develop. University of America even has a world ranking (not a good one, but still) among world and domestic universities. Their websites are shoddy, but you could potentially mark that up to lack of funding (but not really). They are not only the schools (University of America and Salt Lake Bible College and Heritage Baptist Bible College), but they are also the accreditors; again, supposedly recognized and sanctioned by the Ministry of Education in Curacao, who is also ensured and regulated by the NVAO (The Netherlands and Flanders Accreditation Agency, elite). But I’ve been sending out lots of emails, and things started not adding up. This is what kept me pressing into this, in order to make sure it really was all sound. I had thought it was, but gave it one more shot last night; and everything snowballed from there.

In nuce, the whole thing is an elaborate scheme, whose apparent origins are in Nigeria (I believe that is Prince’s country of origination and/or background). It is a scheme, that has taken years and years to develop. I am not sure how all the parties are involved, per se. What I know for sure is that this Prince guy is a scammer par excellence. And either way, if the others were in on it with him or not, they had to know that the accreditation agency in Curacao was their own company (their names are on it as the Directors, listed in the Florida registry of companies). They had to know this “company” (CTAC) was defunct and inactive since 2021. They had to know that this Florida Metropolitan University Corporation was equally just as fraudulent (although that company has never been referred to publicly by them, as far as I can tell). If they didn’t know, I’m not sure what to say about that.

Since the AG’s office of Maryland is already prosecuting Prince for the fraud committed there, I have informed them of all that I have found as well. They may already know about these other activities, but I would think that would have to be referred to the Federal level (and FBI). Anyway, what a tragedy. A tragedy for Fred’s school which was going to benefit greatly from being part of a university that was fully accredited; a tragedy for people who over the years spent thousands of dollars to “earn” a degree from the University of America, only to find out (which I’m sure none of them know this yet) that they’ve been duped by an elaborate scam of unimaginable proportions (as far as the scammery behind it; it is very very convincing). Prince did the same thing in the Maryland case. He created receipts for expenditures, paper trails for his school, legitimate tracking systems online that made him look legitimate; all the same MO of what he has been doing through the University of America. Excuse me, but what an utter scumbag!

Suffice it to say, I am no Doctor of Theology. It was all based in this scheme (which neither Fred or Enrique knew anything about). Sad, maddening. But I don’t really need a doctorate to “prove myself” or gain some sort of credibility among the guilds or something. Not what I’m interested in anyway. This whole thing is more tragic for folks like Fred, and all those who spent lots of money to earn their degrees through the UA; all under false pretenses, to say the least. Would I maybe like to pursue a PhD still? Indeed. But I am comfortable with entering glory simply robed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

The Paper Trail

  1. Introducing the Mastermind, Gamaliel Onyemaobi-Prince.
  2. Local Fox News news story about Prince’s Scam in Maryland.
  3. Attorney General’s Office’s charges against Prince.
  4. Florida Company Directory listing of Prince’s activities, “companies,” and other players (at least on the paperwork).
  5. Bizapedia’s record of Prince’s (and others, potentially) business “dealings.”
  6. Bizapedia’s record of Prince’s (and others, potentially) business “dealings.”
  7. The Curacao Transnational Accreditation Council (fake).

Let the record show, all that I have been exposing and writing about is alleged of Gamaliel Onyemaobi-Prince alone. And he has only been charged in Maryland, and not for these other activities related to the University of America, and its attending schools, and accreditors. He has not been legally charged with fraud relative to his operations at the University of America. I am simply attempting to connect the dots, and let any reasonable person arrive at their own conclusion. I have concluded that he is a con-man par excellence, and should not be trusted by anyone who comes across him, presently or in the future. If what I have identified is false, then let the pertinent parties explain it. I am only making suggestions throughout this post, and using my conclusions as the frame I am speaking rhetorically through, throughout this post. Again, let the reasonable people, reason.

Athanasian Reformed