Countering the Abstract Faith of Augustine and Pelagius with the Concrete Faith of Christ

An abstract notion of saving faith, based on an abstract, or even undefined doctrine of election, always must attempt to make itself concrete. It must seek a way to fill in the gap created by a notion of faith wherein the believer believes out of an idea of faith that is seemingly inherent to them, or individually gifted to THEM.

The antidote to this abstract notion of faith is to come to understand that people believe or trust out of Christ’s vicarious faith for us. It is by His poverty for us that we have become rich; that we can become rich; by saying Yes and Amen in echo of his Yes and Amen that He is for us in the bosom of the Father. In this scenario the believer doesn’t have to figure out a way to make “their salvation” concrete; they don’t have to figure out a way for salvation to be a more sure word for them. The fact that God incarnated for all of humanity by assuming our humanity for Himself reveals the fact that God has already decided to save humanity in His humanity for us in Jesus Christ. This isn’t to suggest that there are a bunch of anonymous Christians running around out there, we must still acknowledge that He alone is salvation for us; but the way that has been forged is through Christ’s humanity penetrating into the depths of our humanity; putting it to death; raising anew as the new humanity before God, with God. When He raised, He raised us with Him. He provided humanity with the possibility to say Yes to God, whereas prior to His Self-penetration into our lives through incarnation, we had no capacity to say Yes to God. We were born dead in our trespasses and sins. Those sins only allowed for us to love ourselves; to have an inward curvature of the heart; to operate in a sphere of competing loves that all are cored by a basket of self-loves. We were trapped with no way out of our feckless statuses as sinners. But Christ, God’s Good News for the world has made a way for us; indeed, as He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for the world, for us.

Athanasian Reformed