The Soylent Green of American and Global Politics

God’s judgment, I would suggest, entails false choices often times. In this case, America is faced with a POTUS decision wherein Kamala Harris&co. seemingly are the archrivals of humanity all the way down. But then there is Trump. Trump has radically changed his tune in regard to abortion. He supports the accessibility of the abortion pill by mail; he has had the RNC, effectively, change their official platform on abortion and the abortion pill; he is for abortion in cases of rape and incest. Not to mention, he gave us the lockdowns, warp speeded the deadly vaccines, and is for the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana; among other things. We are where we are even with Trump in power for four years. Clearly, the leftists have done everything they can, even in an attempt to take Trump’s life, in order to keep their power intact. The leftists clearly are intent on destroying the United States of America as a country. They are so far wayward that they will literally stop at nothing to “win.”

Either way as I look at it there is no choice this presidential election. Our country, along with the rest of globe, is so underwater in the cesspool of immorality of every kind, that the only hope this old world has is Jesus Christ. It is not possible for me to vote for someone who supports the mass murder of babies in the womb, no matter what the alternative is. As I’ve written on before: the “logic of death” that funds abortion does not stop at the exiting of the womb; it carries into every other aspect of life. Whether Trump or Harris is the president said logic will be informing every decision they make. One is more masked than the other, and less dramatic, as far as immediate results, but just the same, both have the blood of the masses of dead babies on their hands. And to boot, they both, respectively, will offer the land the spilled blood of the masses (outside of the womb too) in regard to the ‘covenant of death’ they both (the DNC and RNC) have signed with the blood of the babies.

I’m afraid we have become too conditioned, too ‘frogged in the kettle,’ to see outside of the sheer wall of Soylent Green we have become ensconced within. When abortion becomes just another “issue” the plot has seriously been lost. In my view, it is better to simply recognize that as a global people, and in particular, as Americans, we are reaping what we have collectively sown; we are reaping death rather than eternal life. What convinces me of this is who God has given us for our presidential candidates. In this situation, under God’s judgement as we are, I think it’s best to recognize that, just as king David did after his sin with Bathsheba, and commit ourselves into the merciful hands of the living God. I do not believe the Lord is asking us to vote this time, as if some type of civic, or even kingdom mandate. Instead, He is asking us to wait on Him rather than on the depraved heart of men and women that has led us to where we are currently. I believe we are in the thralls of a Romans 1 judgment at the national and international level. As such, there is no human to “vote” for at this point; at least not at the POTUS level.

Let God be true and every man a liar.

Athanasian Reformed

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