An Eastertide Break from Blogging

Dearest readers, I am going to take a break from blogging, at least through Easter Sunday (April 20). My blogging has slowed anyway, from my typical pace, years past. I am not feeling as motivated to post like I used to. It has become more like work, than a joy; even though I appreciate the fellowship that it fosters with you all (especially, Richard B., my most faithful interlocutor over these last many years). I just need a time to step back, and refresh. I just deleted my X/Twitter accounts as well. I love Jesus Christ, and the Father, by the Holy Spirit; and I think I need to take a time away from this platform in order to think through my various priorities, before Him, and how those interface with my blogging career (ongoing since 2005). I don’t necessarily think this is the end of my blogging habit, but it surely is going to be a time of reflection and some type of reorientation as it comes to my writing here.

I pray for you all, that you have a blessed time during this forthcoming Eastertide season. I hope the power of Christ’s resurrection is set ablaze in your hearts, ever afresh ever anew. Maybe Jesus will come again, once and for all, for all of us, and we will finally meet personally in eschatological glory, before I make my way back here; I pray for that everyday! He is risen!

PS. If you support me financially for my blogging, please feel free (of course!) to cancel that (since I won’t be blogging). Again, I don’t think this is the end, but at the same time, and at the moment, I’m not totally sure. Blessings in Jesus Christ.

Athanasian Reformed

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