March 2, 2025–A God We Can’t Control

Catalyst Question

Describe a time when something out of your control was happening in your life. What did it feel like?

A God We Can’t Control

People often like to feel in control. Sometimes that’s for their own sinful reasons, like wanting unfair influence over others’ lives. At other times, people try to take charge because they’ve been hurt by someone they trusted.  And surely, there are things in our lives that we should control. How we treat other people, how we choose to use money, and how we spend our time are all appropriately within our control.

This week, there’s something going on in the sky that’s majestically out of our control. All across the world, all official planets within our solar system (sorry, Pluto) can be seen in a planetary parade. The best night to view across the globe is February 28th, and even five of the planets can be seen without a telescope.This astronomical wonder reveals both the expansiveness and the closeness of the heavens. Not only is it a rare and beautiful experience to witness, but it also highlights how fortunate we are. The laws of physic, far beyond our control, keep these planetary bodies in safe orbit around the sun in ways that both support and protect life on Earth. None of this is in our control, and yet it is good.

Luke 9:28-36 tells of a time when the disciples tried to control Jesus, along with Moses and Elijah. Often called The Transfiguration, because Jesus transforms in front of them, the story reveals that Jesus is beyond their control. Rather than contained in houses, or temples, instead Jesus shines brightly for all the world to see. In a voice from heavens beyond even our solar system, God affirms this independence from human control.

Yet, though we cannot control him, Jesus is good to us and good for us. Indeed, Jesus is God with us. As you read about The Transfiguration, consider these questions:

Ask Yourself

When have you tried to control something in your life and realized that, even though you couldn’t control it, it was still good for you?

Ask a Friend

How might it be good for us that God is beyond human control?


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