Category: Evangelical Calvinist

Writings from the blog: Athanasian Reformed (aka The Evangelical Calvinist). Senior Reformed scholars present a coherent and impassioned articulation of Calvinism for today’s world.

The Christian Humanists versus the Scholastic Theologians: The Bible versus the Philosophers

Charles Partee in his book Calvin and Classical Philosophy, by way of introduction, offers a nice treatment on the entailments of a mediaeval Christian Humanism versus a theological Scholasticism, as both of those were present in the early formation of the Protestant Reformation; with, of course, particular reference to John Calvin. I am going to share a long passage from Partee because it is rather pertinent to the way I see myself operating; as far as both mood and method goes. I will provide the passage, and then offer up some closing thoughts (the usual). In the sixteenth century, however,…

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Countering the Abstract Faith of Augustine and Pelagius with the Concrete Faith of Christ

An abstract notion of saving faith, based on an abstract, or even undefined doctrine of election, always must attempt to make itself concrete. It must seek a way to fill in the gap created by a notion of faith wherein the believer believes out of an idea of faith that is seemingly inherent to them, or individually gifted to THEM. The antidote to this abstract notion of faith is to come to understand that people believe or trust out of Christ’s vicarious faith for us. It is by His poverty for us that we have become rich; that we can…

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The Theological and Ideational History Behind the Deconstructed Culture Writ Large

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. –Judges 21:25 The human heart has never changed. Ironically, in our secular times humanity, in the main, has come to believe that we have “progressed” beyond our primitive forebears. Secular humanity of the 21st century generally maintains that it has moved beyond the religious platitudes and superstitions of the pre-critical past, and moved onto greener and more enlightened pastures. But the secular age, in fact, is really just a mythology that needs to be demythologized by the lights of sound and theological…

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An Even Quicker Word on the Trinity: Generation

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in-generate in their inner and eternal being. Some want to think in terms of an origin of relation, and thus call the Father in-generate and the Son and Holy Spirit, following, generate. Here we get the notion of “eternal generation,” with the Father as the aitea or source of the Godhead. I affirm eternal generation, but only in a liminal way. That Father isn’t anymore the Father than the Son is the Son in relationship to the Father and vice-versa. This is a necessary and eternal relationship that resists, ultimately, the idea of…

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TF Torrance on the Real Protestant Reformation: Against the Barretts and Carters Out There

Matthew Barrett, Craig Carter, and many others are attempting to renew the church through retrieving their reading of the Protestant Reformation. All they are really doing is retrieving Roman Catholic neo-Thomism, and the attending medieval categories therein, as the balm of Gilead they believe such retrieval will accomplish for the failing evangelical church. And yet this is the irony: they are simply promoting a substance metaphysics, and the decretal God therefrom, which the OG reformers were intent on dismantling in the name of Christ and revelation. TF Torrance underscores these matters for us: That is what happened at the Reformation….

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An Index: On My Higher Educational History

Some jackalope came at me on X/Twitter a few days ago. He said he has been a reader of mine for years; even praying for me (which apparently makes him all knowledgeable on my life and motivations). He appears to be an Orthodox person, with a foul and aggressive mouth (behind the keyboard). His main attack on me was based on the premise that I don’t start what I finish: that I, “bail.” You cannot be more absurd and presumptuous. One of the things he said that I consistently bail on is my education; starting but never finishing. Assertions abound…

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My ThD Degree Was Based on an Elaborate Scam: Let Me Explain

The Lord seemed to be pressing me last night to dig even deeper. I had already given it my best shot to punch holes through the credibility and viability of the institution I was getting, or had gotten the ThD from (I had thought). It’s an absolute quagmire, and news worthy. In fact, it is in the news in Maryland. I was working with Dr. Fred Macharia and Dr. Enrique Ramos, particularly through a connection Fred had made with the University of America Curacao. It was through this University (and a subsidiary school called Salt Lake Bible College) that I…

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St. Martin Luther, the Christian Humanist Against the Glory Theologians

Definitions are important; if for no other reason but to understand what something means. Context provides meaning, and thus definition, for words; whether that is in sentences, paragraphs, chapters, books, so on and so forth. When attempting to understand where a particular theologian lies, as far as classification, within the alternative types of being a theologian, it is important that we get a handle on the definitions used to ascertain that. In the medieval period, generally, a theologian could be classified as a scholastic theologian, or a Christian humanist; or potentially, both, depending on the way someone enters into the…

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Shorter Posts or Longer Posts?

When I first started blogging years ago (circa 2005) many of my posts were pretty short; I’d say approximately 500 words or less. As the years have progressed they have gotten longer, and thus take a little more time and work to write. What would you all prefer. Shorter more frequent posts, or longer less frequent? I’m just curious. It will probably remain the same either way , but I am always interested in what my readers think on such things. Athanasian Reformed

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The Work of Christ is the Person of Christ: Against Dualistic Classical Theology

When the work of Christ is separated from the person of Christ, all you can be left with are either pure Pelagian or semi-Pelagian doctrines of salvation; as that becomes funded by some functional type of an adoptionistic christology (e.g., Ebionism etc.) This is why TFT refers to the Latin Heresy: he is referring to theologies, Western-Augustinian ones, that ultimately don’t think salvation, as both objectified and subjectivized in the Monarxia of God in the person of Jesus Christ. When this or that individual person is understood as being “elect” of God, based on an arbitrary and hidden decree of…

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