A Brief Soliloquy on the Phantom of the Lesser of Evils

The “lesser of two evils”–on a slippery slope–reduces to utter chaos and travail. At some point on that slope, the Christian in particular, must step off before oblivion hits. At some point the realization must hit that within the current framework–whatever that is at the time–there must be a “redline,” which indicates that the most prudent thing to do is to jump off the slippery slope onto the solid ground of Christ’s kingdom. Canaan kept devolving, devolving, devolving, and on the logic of the “lesser of two evils” Christians would continue on with compromising, compromising, compromising, to the point that their convictions of two decades ago, for example, now look like the opposing party’s of that time. On a scale of “evil,” how can this approach consistently be one of a “lesser of two evils,” when the goal posts of evil are constantly being shifted and downgraded into something even more intense? Evil is evil. A compromise with evil is a compromise with death.

Athanasian Reformed