An Intention to Teach

Addendum: When I write a post that I intend to fit the theme of this particular post, I will note that in its title. To be clear, most of my posts will just be me writing and speaking freely still 🙂 .

I am thinking that it’s time to start “teaching” through some of my blog posts. In other words, it is time, at points, to take the time to nuance the precision theological language often used here in my posts. That is my intention, anyway. There will still be many posts where I am thinking out loud (which is my normal cadence here at the blog). But I think it would serve others well, and myself included, if I took the time to break down what some of these technical jargony words entail, and write posts focusing purely on that. Indeed, one single post could be explaining a single term by way of getting into its definitional range along with paying attention to the varied implications said word or words are packaged with.

So, just know in days to come, when I have the time and energy, I will be writing more posts that intend to “teach” or break down what I typically leave as my raw off the top thoughts as I’m processing what I’m reading. The reason I haven’t been prone to do that is because it does take more time and effort to engage in that process. I’ve always thought that I should be paid to do that level of work. Now some of you are paying me through my substack account, and so it’s time that I attempt to make this effort to explain things with greater detail and clarity (i.e., unpack the precision and technical language I often use in my posts).

Athanasian Reformed