
Salvation. God is salvation. Jesus is God. Jesus is salvation. Jesus is both the object and subject of salvation; both the electing God, and elected human. Jesus is with and for us and in us before we are in Him. Jesus first became human that we might become human in Him. Jesus is the Godward to human and humanward to God movement of the triune life for the world; even as He is, without the world. Jesus, in the triune life, freely chose to not be God without us, but with us. Jesus was and is, first, Deus incarnandus (the God to be incarnate), and finally, Deus incarnatus (the God incarnated). Jesus is God’s salvation for the world, inside and out (in that order). Jesus is the centraldogma of all reality. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus is doubly consubstantial is His singular person (singular personalis); both fully God and fully human. Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Jesus is the promised seed of the woman who bruised His heel as He crushed the serpent’s head. Jesus is the protoevangelium. Jesus is the promised Son of David; Jesus is the Davidic covenant in the flesh. Jesus became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Jesus, by His poverty has made us rich in His riches. Jesus’ broken body is the torn veil which allows us to enter the Holy of Holies of His life for us with the Father in the bond and koinonia of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Ancient of Days. Jesus is the Eternal Father, the Prince of Peace. Jesus, in the triune, dwells in unapproachable Light; Jesus is the immortal one who took on mortality that we by the grace of adoption might take on His immortality in the Eternal Life of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Lamb who was slain before the foundations of the world. Jesus’ vicarious repentance and faith for us is the solid ground upon which we stand as we find a corresponding repentance and faith, from His for us, by the breath of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is God’s ontology for the world; Jesus is God’s epistemology for the world. Jesus is the answer; what’s the question? Jesus is the Israel of God. Jesus is both the root and branch; indeed, Jesus is the total tree of Life who has come with healing in His wings. Jesus is the pride and joy of Mary and Joseph, and the angelic host. Jesus was first worshiped by the lowly shepherds and the highly wisemen. Jesus is the Pantocrator, Almighty God. Jesus is the Word of God, who is God. Jesus tabernacled among us that we might tabernacle among Thrice. Jesus is the Rock. Jesus is the pillar of cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night. Jesus is the scapegoat. Jesus is the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. Jesus is the munus triplex: Prophet, Priest, and King. Jesus is God’s theology of the cross for the world. Jesus is God’s wisdom. Jesus is God’s skandalon (stumbling block). Jesus is the cornerstone upon which the whole Law and Prophets hang. Jesus is the bread of God from heaven. Jesus is God’s antecedent life for the world wherein the world comes to have flesh and bone. The life is in the blood; Jesus is the life. Jesus never disappoints; never fails; never leaves us or forsakes us. Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Jesus is the revealing of the sons of God. Jesus descended that we might ascend with Him. Jesus is God’s free grace. Jesus is God’s freedom in action. Jesus is God’s robes of righteousness. In the beginning Jesus created the heavens and the earth; indeed, in the triune life. Jesus is the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Jesus is the Man from Nazareth. Jesus is the scandal of particularity. Jesus has made a public spectacle of the devil and his minions through the blood of His cross. Jesus is the height and depth of God for us. Jesus is God’s decree. Jesus is God’s election and reprobation for us simultaneously. Jesus always lives to make intercession. Jesus is the temple of God; the Light of the kingdom come and coming. Jesus breathes the breath we will breathe in the heavenly places. Jesus is God’s first and second coming. Jesus inbreaks into the world, into our lives afresh anew. Jesus is God’s apocalypse. Jesus is God’s inspiration by the Holy Spirit’s hovering action. Jesus is the answer; what’s the question?

Athanasian Reformed