No Chain of Being Between God and Humanity, Just Jesus

Christians don’t believe in a chain of being between God and the world. Christians believe that God in-breaks into the world with irruption that this world could never produce. Without God’s gracious and free election to invade this world, this humanity, we would have no access into God’s inner life; which is eternal life. The Christian believes in a life that was first set for them in the vicarious humanity of Jesus Christ; indeed, a life, a Deus incarnandus (‘God to be incarnate’), that was there ever before this world was this world. Deus incarnatus (‘God incarnate’) is humanity’s only access point into the heavenlies. God, in Himself, in His eternal fellowship of triune interpenetrating self-givenness, has freely deigned that this be so; indeed, in fitting correspondence with His choice to not be God without us, but with us in Jesus Christ.

Athanasian Reformed