On the Corrupted Gospel and its Performance and Transactional Bases

The nomist (law based) “Gospel” is a performance-based message that has no grounding in the true message of the Incarnation&Atonement of God in Jesus Christ. It is based on a mercantile quid pro quo transactional framework present in medieval and reformational times that isn’t attested to in the canonical Scriptures. Either the Gospel is God’s Grace all the way down, or it is a works-based Gospel typically associated with, in the history, what is known as Pelagianism. The tragic thing is that people in the classical Calvinist and Arminian, and generally Latin frames of Christian theological understanding, are beholden to this type of framework. Such that, the “framework” has been so conflated with the clear and pure teaching of Holy Scripture and the Gospel, that folks are unable to critically distantiate and disentangle themselves from the artificial non-biblical hermeneutic they have inherited; indeed, in the name of being the biblical hermeneutic.

The above is true even at the theologically academic level. And if this is the case, how much more so is this true in the downstream environs of the churches (places where doctrine is uncritically absorbed, typically, and where the people themselves don’t even generally read the Bible)? Hence, a result of this, especially at the “churches” level, is that people have no critical resource to allow them to be biblically and theologically discerning; since, for one thing, what they “receive,” subconsciously or consciously, is so baked into the way they are taught to read and think Scripture, that to question that is to question the Gospel, the Bible itself (the source of Protestant authority).

Athanasian Reformed

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