On the Goal of Wokeness: To Destroy

The goal of “wokeness” (which is really Postmodern relativism) is to destroy the idea that there are any stable realities or truth; or Truth, as the case may be. It functions like an acid, that once released, eats away at everything it comes into contact with. It has telos, or purpose, ironically. Rene Descartes, at least in an early modern sense, kicked off this type of corrosive chemical, through his methodological skepticism, most commonly understood in the anecdote cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am). This turns the subject into the self as the ground from whence all of reality must be thought. No longer on the external reality of God’s triune life (a reality that is mind-independent/extramental), but upon the monadic singularity of the human subjects own, idiosyncratic thoughts about reality; whatever those might be. In the end, then, what wokeness really is, biblically construed, is idolatry; it is self-worship, and whatever we project ourselves and our desires upon “out there.” For wokeness it is as if “In the beginning I created the heavens and the earth.” Wokeness is really just a modern, or postmodern expression of the fallen heart (see Gen 3). It is the collapsing of the true and living God, with all that He is in Himself, into each of ourselves individually, and celebrating our supposedly “unique” divine identities that we have come to realize as those who have “come of age.” Sluffing off the mythos and superstitions of the past, and understanding that the past was really just too naive to recognize that who they were describing and thinking as God, was really just a self-projection. This is how we have arrived at the “secular age,” in nuce (see Charles Taylor).

Athanasian Reformed