January 26, 2025–Something Old and Something New

Catalyst Question

What’s something old that you’ve noticed becoming popular again? How does that make you feel?

Something Old and Something New

There’s an old English rhyme that goes, “something old and something new, something borrowed and something blue, and a sixpence in your shoe.” It describes a tradition for brides to wear something of each category on their wedding day. To this day, many weddings include parts of the tradition, though finding a sixpence is much more difficult in the 21st century.

Only a month into the new year, there’s much in the news that appears both old and new all at the same time. The 45th president is now the 47th president. Multiple countries and companies are preparing for space travel, with hopes to return people to the moon within just a few years. Even flare leg jeans are back in style.

In Sunday’s Gospel reading from Luke 4:14-21, Jesus reads a few verses from Isaiah that declare “the year of the Lord’s favor.” This sounds new and exciting! Yet, it comes from a prophet from hundreds of years before. It’s an ancient promise that’s reaffirmed for present listeners. In that way, it is both old and new.

Many people become obsessed with new things. Perhaps this is because they believe new things will lead to different results. What’s odd about that is that, to use biblical language, there’s almost nothing new under the sun. What feels new to some is quite old to others.

But with Jesus, it is still very different from the old and new that we see in politics, in science, or in style. Why is that? Because, in Jesus, the promise fulfilled. What’s old is made new in Jesus in ways that no politician, scientist, or influencer can match. Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, and it is only God’s newness that brings forgiveness of sin and abundant life. Jesus is so much more than an old trend returning. We owe ultimate allegiance not to political offices, scientific advancements, or cultural trends. We owe it the one in whom all things are always being made new, the only one who keeps all promises: Jesus.

Ask Yourself

What are the things–or who are the people–that ask for your ultimate allegiance in ways that draw your devotion away from Jesus?

Ask a Friend

What are the ways that Jesus has brought renewal into your life? 




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