Tag: Based

My ThD Degree Was Based on an Elaborate Scam: Let Me Explain

The Lord seemed to be pressing me last night to dig even deeper. I had already given it my best shot to punch holes through the credibility and viability of the institution I was getting, or had gotten the ThD from (I had thought). It’s an absolute quagmire, and news worthy. In fact, it is in the news in Maryland. I was working with Dr. Fred Macharia and Dr. Enrique Ramos, particularly through a connection Fred had made with the University of America Curacao. It was through this University (and a subsidiary school called Salt Lake Bible College) that I…

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Luther Against the neo-Thomists and Performance Based Salvations

Performance based theories of salvation continue to plague the evangelical Protestant landscapes. Whether that be funded by a Reformed background (inclusive of Reformed proper, and Arminianism et al.), or Lutheran (either orthodox, and/or mainstream). When people are offered a notion of God wherein He is understood as a juridical God, one who relates to the world through a covenant of works/grace, or other like frameworks, at which point law-keeping sublimates grace into its image, those under this specter live a life of deep angst, always wondering if they are going to finally measure up (or persevere) unto the final reward:…

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The Free Grace of God Counterposed with a Law Based Grace

How does the Christian know the depth of sin; how does anyone? How does a Christian have knowledge of themselves; how does anyone? According to Scripture we only know the depth of human sin through God’s Self-revelation in Jesus Christ. To think sin, to think humanity even, from any other ground than the ground of God’s Light of Light for the world in Jesus Christ will give us a skewed sense, a perverted perspective on just who we are as fallen humanity. Until we come to the realization and understanding of the depth dimension of our status as fallen creatures,…

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