Tag: Between

No Chain of Being Between God and Humanity, Just Jesus

Christians don’t believe in a chain of being between God and the world. Christians believe that God in-breaks into the world with irruption that this world could never produce. Without God’s gracious and free election to invade this world, this humanity, we would have no access into God’s inner life; which is eternal life. The Christian believes in a life that was first set for them in the vicarious humanity of Jesus Christ; indeed, a life, a Deus incarnandus (‘God to be incarnate’), that was there ever before this world was this world. Deus incarnatus (‘God incarnate’) is humanity’s only…

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A Screed on the Relationship Between the Biblical Exegete and Theologian

When people say that theology isn’t really biblical studies, they fail to understand what theology is doing. Good theology is engaging with the inner theo-logic of the text of Holy Scripture and its reality in Jesus Christ. It’s engaging with the underlying notions that allow the Scripture writers to write and assert what they do about God. It’s identifying the theological ontological ground that sees Scripture in its taxis or order vis a vis as an instrument of the living and triune God. Good theologians are engaging with the Holy, as such, they unswervingly trust that God is a good…

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The Classically Calvinist God: A Dissonance Between its Philosophical Buttress and its Lived and Preached Piety

As I have been wont to say many times in the past: ‘who we think God is determines everything else following.’ In North America, and in my closest experience, John MacArthur, Paul Washer and their respective acolytes, illustrate this quite readily. John MacArthur and Paul Washer, both self-styled 5 Point Calvinists, maintain that God is a singular monad, an actus purus, a pure being who has been appropriated by the Christian God of revelation, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The result of thinking and speaking God this way, for MacArthur, Washer, and all else, no matter what interpretive tradition…

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A Critique of John MacArthur’s ‘Word Faith Theology’: On the Relationship Between Five Point Calvinism and Human Psychology

I work the graveyard shift at work. I have a work vehicle I drive around in all night. And so, I often will listen to Christian radio. The lineup of pastors they have preaching throughout the night includes John MacArthur’s Grace To You broadcast. The broadcast for January 6th, 2023 was a sermon MacArthur originally delivered back in 1989. The sermon title is: Spiritual Stability, Part 3: Humility and Faith—Phil. 4:5-6a. So, he’s clearly going to be discussing anxiety, and its cure by trusting and resting in Christ. And absolutely, the Lord, as we humbly and boldly come to His…

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