Tag: Divine
Diverse Gifts and Divine Love
by Deacon Erin Brown – Lutheran Office for World Community [About the Author] Being a part of the advocacy team at the Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) has given me the opportunity to meet amazing advocates from the communion of churches that form part of the Lutheran World Federation. God has called these advocates to use their prophetic voice in different ways– sometimes formally in international, federal and state advocacy offices; sometimes as pastors; sometimes as professors; sometimes as student activists. I have the privilege to see the diverse ways in which our global church works for the…
Maimonides on Divine Simplicity: With Christian Relief
More from the philosophy class. As I reread this just now I didn’t really answer the whole question. Although, I amended it since in the class forum. What does it mean to say that the concept of God is simple? Can this claim be held together with the claim that God has attributes? If so, how? If not, is this a problem for theism? The concept of God as simple simply entails that the God conceived of by folks like Aristotle, and Thomas Aquinas, Maimonides et al. is a Monad. I.e., a non-composite being who is not made up by…
On Divine Transcendence, Immanence, Omnipotence in Philosophical Projection
More engagement with T.J. Mawson’s book, Belief in God, for my philosophy of religion class. I posted these, along with the one on personhood, which I shared in my last post here, in the discussion forum we have set up for our class. I thought I’d share them here too. These are clearly raw responses to the reading material we are engaging with. Immanuel Kant Divine transcendence can be thought of as God’s otherness; His otherworldliness; His awayness vis-à-vis the world. According to Mawson direct knowledge and direct control are aspects of what it means to have a body. And…
Still Here: Forthcoming Post on the Problem of Human and Divine Competition
I am still here, never fear! Just a lot going on in life, and so my blogging has slacked a bit. I have more in the pipeline, and you can maybe expect a whole slew of them in the days to come. I just wanted to assuage any anxiety you might have had about my lack of posting. I wanted to give you a good night of sleep, once more, by knowing that, indeed I am here, and I always will be (haha). One post I’m thinking about writing is on teasing out the implications of the vicarious humanity of…