Tag: Gospel

On the Corrupted Gospel and its Performance and Transactional Bases

The nomist (law based) “Gospel” is a performance-based message that has no grounding in the true message of the Incarnation&Atonement of God in Jesus Christ. It is based on a mercantile quid pro quo transactional framework present in medieval and reformational times that isn’t attested to in the canonical Scriptures. Either the Gospel is God’s Grace all the way down, or it is a works-based Gospel typically associated with, in the history, what is known as Pelagianism. The tragic thing is that people in the classical Calvinist and Arminian, and generally Latin frames of Christian theological understanding, are beholden to…

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The Gospel of the Forty Days

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is what all of history is contingent upon. All that we experience, linearly, has a ground behind, underneath, and after it that is in fact the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without that centraldogma there is no history; there is no nothing. I think we, especially as Christians of all people, really need to get our heads around this reality. When we do we start living as those who have the hope of Christ in us, the purifying hope. We have a critical valence to look at the world from that is not purely conditioned by…

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Church Culture isn’t the Gospel, isn’t God: On Deconstructing Deconstruction

Church culture isn’t the Gospel. Even so, it is what we most tangibly experience as Christians in the world. That kind of experience, as with any experience, can be either good, bad, or indifferent. Unfortunately, many these days (and in days past) are deconstructing. They are claiming to have this ‘come of age’ moment wherein they’ve finally come to realize that their respective evangelicalism[s], the cultures therein, have misrepresented God to them. The early mistake most of these folks make is to conflate their experience in various church cultures with God Himself. This represents some form of functional pantheism for…

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The Gospel of Truth Confronting Our ‘Happily Sick’ Selves

The Gospel is a Gospel of offense. Christ in the assumptio carnis doesn’t only explain God to us from within Himself and the triune life (Jn 1.18), but He explains who we are as fallen human beings vis-à-vis the holiness and person of the living God. The Gospel doesn’t allow us to remain comfortable with our sins; the Gospel doesn’t allow us to find companionship with our evil, dark and depraved hearts. The Gospel is the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life; as such, it puts us in our place. For the natural [hu]man this causes squirming, it challenges our…

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The Gospel is Christ-concentrated not Hell-concentrated, per se

The Gospel is not “hell-forward.” Indeed, the Gospel is God’s Grace-forward in the face of Jesus Christ. When proclaiming the Gospel the proclaimer ought to proclaim Christ first (God’s love all the way down for them), and explain that the Gospel is about what God has done, is doing, and will do for them in the free life of Jesus Christ. When speaking about sin, and its consequences, the proclaimer ought to place an emphasis on God becoming sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him [in Christ]. This way the focus of salvation emphasizes…

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‘Once he doubts himself, the abyss yawns’: The Clash of the Gospel with the Enlightened

It is true that on the Deist view, God can also help us in another way. The very contemplation of his goodness in his works inspires us, and energizes us to do his will. Thus as the calm and most extensive determination of the soul towards the universal happiness can have no other centre of rest and joy than the original independent omnipotent Goodness; so without the knowledge of it, and the most ardent love and resignation to it, the soul cannot attain to its most stable and highest perfection and excellence. [Frances Hutcheson, A System of Moral Philosophy, p. 217]…

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The Miracle of the Gospel against Worldviewism

When we think of ‘worldview’ as an analytic tool, in order to categorize various belief systems worldwide, we often think, as Christians, that we have a spot in that type of indexing. But I am not ultimately a proponent of thinking of the Christian reality in the philosophical terms presupposed for thinking in terms of a worldview. Even so, insofar as this discipline of intellection goes, it can be helpful in at least providing a sense of order in regard to thinking about the various juxtapositions of the various ‘belief systems’ that populate the world, and its peoples. But at…

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The ‘Internal History of Jesus’ and the Gospel According to Wilhelm Herrmann

In the following Bruce McCormack sketches out, what Wilhelm Herrmann believed about the ‘historical Jesus as the ground of faith.’ Herrmann was Barth’s teacher while Barth studied at the University of Marburg. As you read this, from your own perspective as a Christian, do you find anything objectionable about the way Herrmann conceived of Jesus and salvation therefrom? If you know anything about the school that Herrmann represented in his day, then you will understand that there were some attending problems with his theology; as Barth later would come against himself. But as a stand-alone representation of Herrmann’s thought on…

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The Miracle of the Gospel as Theological Ontology-Epistemology

The Gospel, the Incarnation is a miracle not of this world. This is why abstract philosophical constructs cannot handle the weight of the Gospel, they end up distorting it. The Gospel comes with its own rationality, one that is funded by the miracle of the Incarnation. The rationality of this world, of the type that the ancient philosophers have developed, cannot scratch the surface of the miracle of the Gospel. The world and all of creation is contingent upon this miracle, the Gospel; the world was created for the Gospel, not the other way around. As such, in order to “discover” the…

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On the Simplicity of the Gospel: Against Sectarian gospels

I feel compelled to write something very brief with reference to the simplicity of the Gospel. When a person goes online, in the main, and comes into contact with theology and Bible people, especially those who are selling their particular ecclesial tradition or denomination, what seemingly ends up happening, at least in my perception, is that the Gospel becomes layered over. There is an accretion, a slab of barnacles, an encrustation of peoples’ takes about the reception and appropriation of the Gospel that seemingly obscures the simplicity of the Gospel/kerygmatic reality. If I didn’t have the years of training I…

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