Tag: Jesus

The Answer is Jesus: John 3:16 in its Theological Depth Dimension

I take this to be something of a paraphrase of John 3:16 by Karl Barth (even though he doesn’t identify it as such, explicitly): Basically, the doctrine of the concursus [trans. accompanying] must be as follows. God, the only true God, so loved the world in His election of grace that in fulfilment of the covenant of grace instituted at the creation He willed to become a creature, and did in fact become a creature, in order to be its Saviour. And this same God accepts the creature even apart from the history of the covenant and its fulfilment. He…

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Salvation. God is salvation. Jesus is God. Jesus is salvation. Jesus is both the object and subject of salvation; both the electing God, and elected human. Jesus is with and for us and in us before we are in Him. Jesus first became human that we might become human in Him. Jesus is the Godward to human and humanward to God movement of the triune life for the world; even as He is, without the world. Jesus, in the triune life, freely chose to not be God without us, but with us. Jesus was and is, first, Deus incarnandus (the…

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Jesus, Plato, Aristotle and the Theobros Walk into a Bar . . .

I shared the following sketch, diatribe of sorts, on X just yesterday. A so-called Theobro (all bro no Theo) reshared it for his friend group, and they went to town. Memeing me galore. Dismissing me out of hand from their dilettantism. Not recognizing that I was leaving space for evangelizing, so to speak, even the philosophers; albeit in non-correlating ways. I.e., taking the philosophers’ respective grammars and language bags, and retexting them in a way that they are deployed in service of the King; insofar that that is possible or advisable. These guys are all bark and no theological bite….

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September 8, 2024–A Fully Human Jesus

Jon Fry, Champaign-Urbana, IL Warm-up Questions How do you pass the time while traveling? What are your favorite traveling games/activities with friends or family? Weird Internet Outage A few weeks ago my newsfeed was blowing up with articles from medical professionals suggesting that abstaining from in-flight entertainment, food, drink, and sleep, on long flights was a bad decision. This was in response to folks on TikTok posting their record setting performances on multi-hour flights and boasting about their mental stamina. Numerous doctors, self-help professionals, and meditation specialists began chiming in with their two cents on the trend. Most experts agree that…

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No Chain of Being Between God and Humanity, Just Jesus

Christians don’t believe in a chain of being between God and the world. Christians believe that God in-breaks into the world with irruption that this world could never produce. Without God’s gracious and free election to invade this world, this humanity, we would have no access into God’s inner life; which is eternal life. The Christian believes in a life that was first set for them in the vicarious humanity of Jesus Christ; indeed, a life, a Deus incarnandus (‘God to be incarnate’), that was there ever before this world was this world. Deus incarnatus (‘God incarnate’) is humanity’s only…

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Jesus for the Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks: Against Law-Based Salvations

“Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations. 19 He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets. 20 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory. 21     In his name the nations will put their hope.” –Mathew 12.18-21 If, ten years ago, you had told me that I would live to see literate evangelicals, some with…

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H.A. Ironside and Karl Barth On: “There is no Man Behind the Back of Jesus”

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. Psalm 1:1-2   What does it mean to be genuinely human? This is a question philosophers, world religions, little kids, and others have been pondering for the millennia. Rather than speculate though, as Christians we have the more accurate way, the more concrete way; God’s way for answering said question. As is the case with everything in the Christian kingdom, our…

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Jesus, the Israel of God

I was going to write a post on Jesus as the Israel of God; on Jesus as the new humanity of God, who in fact is the Son of David, in all the scandalous particularity that ought evoke. But as I began to index the various passages I might use to make this case I thought it more organic to simply lay them out, with the emboldened sections intended to highlight how I might make the case for Jesus as Israel. He is not some transcendent extra, some Gnostic ethereal demiurge, some link between heaven and earth (as merely an…

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Our ‘Lost Time’ in the ‘New Time’ of the Saga of Jesus Christ: How Saga Functions in Barth’s Usage

Barth is often depicted as a liberal or “neoorthodox” theologian who repudiates the inerrancy of Holy Scripture, which alone anathematizes him for the evangelical. Barth is often presented as an enemy to conservative orthodox Christianity, with his neo-Kantian, reified Hegelianism ripping to shreds any hope of giving the evangelical churches anything wholesome and genuinely biblical to cogitate upon. Barth, in many sectors of the evangelical and Reformed churches, is considered as enemy of the state to the health and well-being of historically orthodox Christianity. Barth is often demonized, caricaturized, and flambéed just at the point that someone moves their lips into…

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The ‘Internal History of Jesus’ and the Gospel According to Wilhelm Herrmann

In the following Bruce McCormack sketches out, what Wilhelm Herrmann believed about the ‘historical Jesus as the ground of faith.’ Herrmann was Barth’s teacher while Barth studied at the University of Marburg. As you read this, from your own perspective as a Christian, do you find anything objectionable about the way Herrmann conceived of Jesus and salvation therefrom? If you know anything about the school that Herrmann represented in his day, then you will understand that there were some attending problems with his theology; as Barth later would come against himself. But as a stand-alone representation of Herrmann’s thought on…

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