Tag: News
Some Personal News: On the Academic and Educational Fronts
Just a quick note on some personal academic and educational news. I have resigned from my position as a faculty member in theology at Martin Luther School of Bible and Theology. Primarily, because I am not Lutheran; and I also don’t affirm Christian Universalism and the role of females as ordained pastors (which MLSBT does). So, from a conscience point of view that was wearing on me. Also, on the PhD I had from MLSBT: I have declined that degree once and for all. There are a variety of reasons for this. I definitely did the work for it etc….
The Good News that We Are Sinners: The Incarnation is Greater than Sin
Jesus is our life; He is God’s humanity all the way down. ‘He who knew no sin assumed sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.’ Our sin is ever before us, but it is only now before us in the glorified face of Jesus Christ. We can never deny that we were, and continue to be (in this in-between) sinners, insofar that the humanity of God bears witness of this reality to us all our live long days. But it is this grace of God that has shown up for us in these last…