Tag: Performance

On the Corrupted Gospel and its Performance and Transactional Bases

The nomist (law based) “Gospel” is a performance-based message that has no grounding in the true message of the Incarnation&Atonement of God in Jesus Christ. It is based on a mercantile quid pro quo transactional framework present in medieval and reformational times that isn’t attested to in the canonical Scriptures. Either the Gospel is God’s Grace all the way down, or it is a works-based Gospel typically associated with, in the history, what is known as Pelagianism. The tragic thing is that people in the classical Calvinist and Arminian, and generally Latin frames of Christian theological understanding, are beholden to…

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Luther Against the neo-Thomists and Performance Based Salvations

Performance based theories of salvation continue to plague the evangelical Protestant landscapes. Whether that be funded by a Reformed background (inclusive of Reformed proper, and Arminianism et al.), or Lutheran (either orthodox, and/or mainstream). When people are offered a notion of God wherein He is understood as a juridical God, one who relates to the world through a covenant of works/grace, or other like frameworks, at which point law-keeping sublimates grace into its image, those under this specter live a life of deep angst, always wondering if they are going to finally measure up (or persevere) unto the final reward:…

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