Tag: Personal
Some Personal News: On the Academic and Educational Fronts
Just a quick note on some personal academic and educational news. I have resigned from my position as a faculty member in theology at Martin Luther School of Bible and Theology. Primarily, because I am not Lutheran; and I also don’t affirm Christian Universalism and the role of females as ordained pastors (which MLSBT does). So, from a conscience point of view that was wearing on me. Also, on the PhD I had from MLSBT: I have declined that degree once and for all. There are a variety of reasons for this. I definitely did the work for it etc….
Being in a Personal, Relational Relationship with God, On Triune Terms
God is not an analogue to analyze. God instead is a triune and eternal relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God (de Deo uno) in three persons (de Deo trino) to be inhabited, through Christ, and enjoyed. The Christian is in an immediate relationship with the triune God through union with Jesus Christ. We are indeed, as Christians, in an intimate and personal relationship with the living God. Not because we are persons in relationship with God—thus predicating what God’s relationality and personalist reality must be—but because God is eternally personal and [onto]relational within the inner-reality (in se)…
Transitioning from a ‘Substance’ to a ‘Personal’ God: Confronting the Substance-Abusers
There is a lot of talk about ‘substance theology’ these days, and in the past days. Indeed, substance language marks classical theism as the way to talk God at least since the days of Thomas [of Aquino], if not further back since the Greeks started using the language of ousia or ‘being’ for talking God (but that was a little different from the Thomist heritage in the sense that they often used ousia as synonymous with hypostases or ‘persons’ and vice versa). No matter what period past to think and talk God in terms of substance has become considered the…
So What?! What Does All This Jargony Theology Have to do with Real Life?: A Personal Sketch
So what? What’s all this high falutin theologically jargony theology have to do with anything? I get to this point more times than not. Even though I often engage high theological notions, and attempt to reflect therein, at the end of it I often walk away with the “so what!” feeling. Many Christians take one look at the themes I write on, others write on, that the dead theologians have written on, and simply shake their heads figuring, at best, this is all for the eggheads among us. But I really don’t think that that is the case, or that…