Tag: Some
Some Personal News: On the Academic and Educational Fronts
Just a quick note on some personal academic and educational news. I have resigned from my position as a faculty member in theology at Martin Luther School of Bible and Theology. Primarily, because I am not Lutheran; and I also don’t affirm Christian Universalism and the role of females as ordained pastors (which MLSBT does). So, from a conscience point of view that was wearing on me. Also, on the PhD I had from MLSBT: I have declined that degree once and for all. There are a variety of reasons for this. I definitely did the work for it etc….
Learning Some Horizontal Thinking at the University of Babylon
I am starting my Philosophy of Religion class tomorrow (January 13th) at the University of Oxford (by distance, of course). Thanks again to a friend of the blog for his donation, in order to pursue continuing education like this. I am critical of philosophy, often, but let me qualify that a bit further. I am only really critical of philosophy when it is used as a basis and the material for doing Christian theology. If these disciplines are kept separate and distinct, then I have no problem learning to think with the rigor of a philosopher. As long as the…
Craig Carter Has Some Work to Do on God: Getting God Right as Threeness and Oneness
Dr. Craig Carter continues to promote the Christian Aristotelian/Thomist theologies of the Westminster Confession of Faith and the London Baptist Confession of Faith, with particular focus on their respective doctrines of God. He just tweeted the following: If someone tells you that God has passions, remember that to say that is to go against the teaching of our reformed confessions. Presbyterians & Reformed Baptists cannot go there. “There is but one only living & true God, a most pure spirit, invisible without body, parts, or passions, immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, most wise, most holy, most free, most absolute, working…
Some Rationales on the PhD of Choice
One thing that gave me the final push to pursue the PhD where I am is seeing where the PhD in theology leads, even from prestigious schools. I cannot justify going into exorbitant amount of debt (which I already have from undergrad and seminary) to earn a degree even from a prestigious school with so-called “funding” (and most UK schools don’t even have that) that will not finally result in landing a career that 1) fits naturally with the focus of the degree (like being a full time prof), and 2) doesn’t provide a job that will pay enough to…