Tag: This

December 31, 2023–No Faith Lens This Week

There is no Faith Lens post this week   “He came to his own home, and his own people received him not. But to all who received him he gave power to become the children of God” (RSV) ELCA Blogs

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This Blog is Archived: See You at bobbygrow.substack.com

I have decided to migrate over to Substack, as I was contemplating in my last post. I will leave this blog up, of course!, with all of its archives intact. I have exported all of my posts, and I believe comments, over to my Substack (I think it is still in the process of processing all of that). I hope all of my readers and subscribers will follow me over to my new online writing home. It will still be the same type of material as I’ve engaged with here over the years, just on a different platform (with I…

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So What?! What Does All This Jargony Theology Have to do with Real Life?: A Personal Sketch

So what? What’s all this high falutin theologically jargony theology have to do with anything? I get to this point more times than not. Even though I often engage high theological notions, and attempt to reflect therein, at the end of it I often walk away with the “so what!” feeling. Many Christians take one look at the themes I write on, others write on, that the dead theologians have written on, and simply shake their heads figuring, at best, this is all for the eggheads among us. But I really don’t think that that is the case, or that…

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