Tag: Women

ELCA’s Truth and Healing Movement calls us to learn about MMIW by Women of the ELCA

You can’t change what you don’t know. So how much do you know about the impacts of colonization on Indigenous people in past generations and in the present? What does “MMIW” mean to you? When we know the truth and embrace it, we begin the process of building and strengthening right relationships with our Indigenous neighbors. To that end, last month the ELCA launched a Truth and Healing Movement. Watch a video of Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton announcing the creation of the movement. As explained in a news release, “[t]he ELCA’s Truth & Healing Movement will enlist and empower members…

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October 30, 2022-Resilient Women

Josh Kestner, Clemson, SC Warm-up Question Who are some people that you look up to in your life? What have they done to make you respect them? Tell about a time when your faith and values did not line up with your experience of reality. How did you feel? What did you do? Resilient Women I am in awe of the Muslim women involved in protests surrounding the wearing of the hijab. They are heroes who are showing strength and resilience in the midst of persistent pushback. One of the things that has struck me is that there is no…

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