Partner Organization Resources and Events

Each month ELCA Worship highlights resources and events from other organizations and institutions. These Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations work alongside the ELCA to support worship leaders, worship planners, musicians, and all who care about the worship of the church.

Music that Makes Community

Music that Makes Community practices communal song-sharing that inspires deep spiritual connection, brave shared leadership, and sparks the possibility of transformation in our world.

We conclude the first half of the year with a One-Day Workshop at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Pittsburgh on Saturday, June 24! Share an enlivening day of singing and learning, and bring new songs and skills back to your community. While we don’t have workshops scheduled over the summer, you’ll find MMC leaders at conferences and gatherings around the country, including the ALCM Biennial Conference, Lutheran Summer Music, and Holden Village, among others. Visit our website to register for fall offerings or to find additional resources and songs.

Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival

LSM 2023 is less than three weeks away! As we countdown the days to welcoming this year’s class to campus, LSM promises to be an exciting four weeks of events, concerts, and worship services. All events are free and open to the public: join us on campus or via livestream.

And recently announced, Artistic Residency & Public Concert with Apollo’s Fire. Musicians from the award-winning Apollo’s Fire ensemble will join the LSM community from June 30-July 2 to work with students and present a public concert on Saturday, July 1 at 7:30pm. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! Apollo’s Fire is a GRAMMY-winning period-instrument orchestra dedicated to the baroque ideal that music should evoke the various Affekts or passions in its listeners. Apollo’s Fire brings to life the music of the past for audiences of today. This residency is underwritten by the Bach Institute at Valparaiso University.

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

ALCM nurtures and equips musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.

Register for Virtual Conference access! All are welcome!

Resources from the Center for Church Music

The Center for Church Music is a place where one can tap into an expansive online (or on-site) library of resources and perspectives on the music and art of the church, with a focus on a Lutheran context.

This month it highlights the centenary of Richard W. Hillert (1923-2010), a liturgical composer who served as music editor for Lutheran Book of Worship and whose legacy continues in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the music for Holy Communion: Setting 3 and parts of Setting 5, and the hymn “Alleluia! Voices Raise” (ELW 828). The feature includes “Profiles in American Lutheran Church Music” video interviews with prominent ELCA church musicians, including Lorraine Brugh (interviewed by Anne Krentz Organ), Robert Buckley Farlee (interviewed by Zeb Highben), and the sainted Scott Weidler (interviewed by the Rev. Jerry Spice).

Journey to Baptismal Living

Journey to Baptismal Living is an ecumenical community of Christians seeking to support formation in discipleship by exploring the meaning of baptismal identity, faith, and mission. The leadership offers training programs and events to develop skills and resources for baptismal preparation and for deepening faith in baptismal living.

How do you meet a seeker where they are? What do they know and what do they need to know? How do you find out their history, discern their questions, and begin to accompany them on their journey with Jesus?  JBL can help you make the successful next steps when approached by a seeker.

Our next JBL community chat, Monday, June 26 at 7 PM (central time), will focus on how to lead a productive initial conversation with a seeker. Julia Acuna, a member of the catechumenate team at Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento, will role-play such a conversation with a recent seeker. You don’t want to miss this! The basis for the conversation will be a section from JBL’s new Ecumenical Guide for Accompanying Any Seeker, available soon on our website.

Please register by Friday, June 23, 8 PM (central time). Thank you.

Augsburg Fortress Events and Resources

Augsburg Fortress is an imprint of 1517 Media, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Lutheran Mosaics: Three Readings Juxtaposed for Reflection and Proclamation

Lectionary Mosaics began as reflections made available for those not able to gather in their worshiping assemblies during the COVID-19 pandemic, yet its wisdom extends into our current time and beyond. Holding together all three readings of the Revised Common Lectionary for each Sunday and festival, these brief mosaic paragraphs invite you to faith in the triune God, love of neighbor, and care for our earthly home.







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