Partner Organization Resources and Events

Each month ELCA Worship highlights resources and events from other organizations and institutions. These Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations work alongside the ELCA to support worship leaders, worship planners, musicians, and all who care about the worship of the church.

Association of Lutheran Church Musicians

ALCM nurtures and equips musicians to serve and lead the church’s song.

One-day local workshops for church musicians to learn new skills, share best practices, build relationships and support systems, and introduce others to the ALCM Community. Workshops are scheduled all across the country.  Sign up for upcoming events.


Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival

Nominate students for Lutheran Summer Music

It’s not too soon to nominate a student for LSM 2024. With enrollment for next summer already over 50% full, it will be important for interested students to apply early! Know a high school student who would benefit from the life-giving and joyful musical community at LSM? Nominate them today or contact for more information. LSM 2024 takes place at Valparaiso University from June 30 through July 28, 2024.


Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

An interdisciplinary study and ministry center that promotes the scholarly study of the theology, history, and practice of Christian worship and the renewal of worship in worshiping communities across North America and beyond.

The Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants Program at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is designed to foster, strengthen and sustain well-grounded worship in congregations Grants to worshiping communities stimulate thoughtful and energetic work that will result in worship services that exhibit renewed creativity, theological integrity, and relevance. Learn more about Worshiping Communities Grants. The next deadline for proposals is October 15. Future dates include Feb. 15 and June 15, 2024.


Music that Makes Community

Music that Makes Community practices communal song-sharing that inspires deep spiritual connection, brave shared leadership, and sparks the possibility of transformation in our world.

As Music that Makes Community plans future offerings and resources, we invite you to answer the question, “What do you need?” through a short survey we’re offering until the end of September. As musicians, clergy, community leaders, composers, and organizers, we know you are listening deeply to your community and context. We want you to know we’re also listening and eager to hear how MMC’s programming might find deeper resonance!

As always, find upcoming MMC offerings on our website calendar. Morning Grounding has resumed, and there are workshops, webinars, and retreats offering resources for your congregation, as well as spaces for rest and renewal.


Augsburg Fortress Events and Resources

Augsburg Fortress is an imprint of 1517 Media, the publishing ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Gather Together: 8 Intergenerational Events to Explore All Creation Sings provides opportunities for children, youth, and adults to come together around topics of worship, images for God, being a global church, experiencing life transitions, creation care, and more! Enjoy coming together as a faith community for learning and fellowship with this new and timely resource.




Ashes to Action: Finding Myself at the Intersection of the Minneapolis Uprising

Call to Allyship: Preparing Your Congregation for Leaders of Color

Come, Emmanuel: Devotions for Advent 2023-2024

Remind Me Again Facilitator Guide: 41 Sessions Based on the Poetry of Joe Davis

Unscheduled Grace: 40 Devotions and Prayers for College Students



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