Tag: Good

“A Way Out of No Way”: The Grassroots Ministry of Good Trouble Church

This is a guest post from Rev. Elazar Atticus Schoch Zavaletta of Good Trouble Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Pastor Elazar and the Good Trouble Church Community The mainstream expression of many ELCA Lutheran Churches is defined by being a white, middle class witness to Christ.  With hearts open to and appreciative of the saving grace of God through Christ, and often with generosity in serving the Lord locally and globally, nevertheless, few Lutheran churches truly know or understand the struggle of other peoples as they navigate a society defined by white supremacy and systemic oppression. Many of those on the margins of…

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October 20, 2024–Serving the Public Good

Warm-up Question What are the qualities you look for in a leader? Why do those attributes matter to you? Why Did You Get Into This? Through the United States of America, we are in the midst of election season. From local trustees to state representatives to the President of the United States, many leadership positions will be decided on November 5. If you’re of voting age, make a plan to vote! Even if you’re not, engage in the process. Learn about the candidates and issues at hand. Research deeper than just soundbites and slogans. One of the questions I always…

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September 1, 2024–Beyond “Good Guy vs. Bad Guy”

Jacqui Buschor, Little Rock, AR Warm-up Questions Do you like games where people compete against each other like Monopoly, or games where everyone works together toward a common goal, like escape rooms? Why do you think that is your preference? Whose Side Are You On, Anyway?  Even if you’re not old enough to vote, I’m sure you’ve heard people talking about “the growing political divide in America.” Maybe you’ve seen evidence of it yourself on the news, in your church, or even in your own family. It seems like everywhere we turn we can find more and more evidence that…

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August 11, 2024–Too Much of a Good Thing?

Warm-up Questions What is your favorite thing to eat? What happens if you have too much of it? Olympic Bread With the Summer Olympics in Paris this summer, bread is playing a central part in the tourist experience. After all, France is known for their bakeries, from crunchy baguettes to sweet pastries and so much more. One bakery went so far as to imprint Olympic rings on the fifteen pound loaves they were baking. You can read more about that here or watch a short video on it here.  There’s something strange in that first paragraph. A loaf of bread…

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April 21, 2024–The Good Shepherd

Rita Argus (Denver, CO) Warm-up Question What signs of spring have you noticed this week? The Good Shepherd I love going for hikes, especially in the springtime. Even before I moved to Denver, I would go for long walks in nature and soak in God’s creation. There was just something about the budding of trees, the smell of the soil, the rustling of birds or squirrels, and the warmth of the sunshine that would calm my brain and ground me in the moment. On one particular hiking adventure, the trail led us through a valley dotted with yellows, oranges, pinks,…

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No One But God is Good: And Its Implications for Modern People

Some people confuse the Enlightenment for the New Creation. To the point that the human spirit has come to a crossroads in its development, and become civilized, or good. But this is not what the Gospel says. The Gospel says that we are constantly being given over to the death of Jesus that His life might be made manifest through the mortal members of our bodies. This presupposes that as Martin Luther rightly emphasized, as Christians, we are simul iustus et peccator (simultaneously justified and sinner) while we continue to inhabit this in-between time within our bodies of death. The…

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God Alone is Good

17 And as he was setting out on his way, one individual ran up and knelt down before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do so that I will inherit eternal life?” 18 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. 19 You know the commandments: ‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.’” 20 And he said to him, “Teacher, all these I have observed from my youth.” 21 And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: Go, sell all that you…

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The Good News that We Are Sinners: The Incarnation is Greater than Sin

Jesus is our life; He is God’s humanity all the way down. ‘He who knew no sin assumed sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.’ Our sin is ever before us, but it is only now before us in the glorified face of Jesus Christ. We can never deny that we were, and continue to be (in this in-between) sinners, insofar that the humanity of God bears witness of this reality to us all our live long days. But it is this grace of God that has shown up for us in these last…

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Additional worship texts for Good Friday and Easter

ELCA Worship has provided a worship resource responding to the war in Ukraine. These resources are available from the ELCA.org Worship Resources area: https://elca.org/resources/worship#Liturgy. As we approach Holy Week and the Easter season, you may desire worship texts that hold in tension the joy of the resurrection with the reality of violence and suffering in our world in Eastern Europe and around the globe. Below are three newly composed worship texts by Gail Ramshaw available for use in your context during Holy Week. Guidance for use precedes each selection.    For Good Friday From the third century on, a central feature…

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