Tag: Isn’t

Church Culture isn’t the Gospel, isn’t God: On Deconstructing Deconstruction

Church culture isn’t the Gospel. Even so, it is what we most tangibly experience as Christians in the world. That kind of experience, as with any experience, can be either good, bad, or indifferent. Unfortunately, many these days (and in days past) are deconstructing. They are claiming to have this ‘come of age’ moment wherein they’ve finally come to realize that their respective evangelicalism[s], the cultures therein, have misrepresented God to them. The early mistake most of these folks make is to conflate their experience in various church cultures with God Himself. This represents some form of functional pantheism for…

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April 7, 2024–What You See, Isn’t Always the Truth 

Mariah Mills, Boise ID  Warm-up Questions  How did you celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter? What happened after all of the celebrations were over? Did it feel like life just went back to normal? What You See, Isn’t Always the Truth  Alleluia! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia! What now? If you went to or watched church on Easter Sunday, you likely heard something along the lines of: “Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the powers of sin, death, and the devil have been defeated! We no longer have to fear, we no longer have…

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