Tag: Reality
On the Beauty and Reality of Holy Scripture
Here’s a short reflection on Scripture I posted on my other social media accounts a couple of weeks ago. When you inhabit Scripture, over long periods of time, the intricate beauty and artistry of its interwoven reality is undeniable. You realize that you’re reading a literal miracle, particularly as you encounter Jesus Christ on every page turned. Its Divine and Triune imprimatur is everywhere to behold within its Holy binding. Athanasian Reformed
Finding Ourselves in Scripture’s Reality: With Reference to Dietrich
John Webster is commenting on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s understanding of our relation to Scripture. It’s not as if we give scripture its ground through imbuing it with our exegetical prowess; no, it’s that our ground is given footing as we find ourselves related to God in Christ through the Scripture’s story. This fits with the point that Webster is driving at, over-all, throughout his little book, that Scripture should be seen as an aspect of soteriology—sanctification in particular. And that Scripture is a part of God’s triune communicative act, ‘for us’; caught up in His Self-revelation itself. In other words, for…
March 24, 2024–Expectation and Reality
Sarah Fryman, Bayonne, NJ Warm-up Questions What has it looked like for you when the anticipation of an event was better than the event itself? Worse than the event itself? What about when the event doesn’t even end up happening? An…wait for it…ticipation! I am notorious for putting the cart before the horse (or maybe the cart before the donkey???). I get really excited about new things or adventures. I build up all this anticipation. And then the Thing happens…and it wasn’t what I expected. Or, even worse, the Thing doesn’t happen at all. The past couple of years have…
How Torrance Handles ‘Persons’ Language and The God Given For Us in That Reality
In the Tradition ‘person,’ or in the Greek, hypostasis (ὑπόστασις) is appealed to when referring to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. For some this poses a problem; for Barth in fact. There are a variety of reasons why Barth does not prefer to use this word for describing the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; primary of which is the context he found himself in, and the way person had come to be understood under existential pressures. Not to mention the fact that even early on in the Patristic development the language itself also was less than amenable for many…