Tag: Religion

Philosophy of Religion and Christian Theology in Combine

More thoughts on the properties of God for my philosophy of religion class. As I have been responding, this week, surrounding God’s omniscience, freedom, goodness, and necessity. These are my first two responses. “Could anyone other than you, right here and now, know what it was like to be you, right here and now? Why or why not? What are the implications of your answer for the notion of divine omniscience?” (this, posed by the tutor for the class, based on our readings of T.J. Mawson) Omniscience. Someone might have the capacity to know what it is like to be…

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Religion as the Tower of Babel

“Human righteousness, in whatever form it is found, is a Tower of Babel.” “Religion—and Barth is here speaking pre-eminently of Christianity—is at its heart, an exercise in self-delusion.” -Bruce McCormack, on Barth’s theology[1]   This is hard teaching, who wants to hear it? The first clause (above) conditions the second in Barth’s theology. He is referring to the role that human subjectivity plays in the construction of religion. We create expressions, settings, bells and whistles, verbiage, pews, cathedrals, flying buttresses, smiles (even while in agony), so on and so forth. In the end, do any of these things bring us…

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