Doctoral Status Update

Update on my doctoral statuses. I have backed out of the PhD I was attempting to do with Concordia Academic Theology Consortium, Intl., and Martin Luther School of Bible and Theology. I have also “unaccepted” the honorary ThD presented to me by the same institution back in January of this year. After further research into the degrees offered, and some other circumstances, I have decided that this is the best alternative. That said, the church denomination associated with this educational institution, the General Lutheran Church, is legitimate. And its Dean has nothing but good and pure intentions. The gesture made by the presentation of the honorary ThD is still meaningful to me, and for that I am thankful to him, and his colleague, for their thoughtfulness.

I am in the process of applying to other schools to pursue the PhD in theology; one is in Europe, and the other in South Africa. I will keep you all in the loop on how things turn out in that direction. The one in Europe has been given the green light, informally; just waiting for another few weeks to start the formal application process (hopefully that happens). The doctoral trek is not over, it has been a long trek. At this point, continually waiting on the Lord, I am determined as ever to walk through this final hoop, and get the PhD once and for all. Thanks for keeping that process in prayer for me.

Athanasian Reformed